Friday, January 27, 2017

11x17 Armin Hofmann Poster

This is a poster I created to advertise an imaginary art show about Armin Hofmann. Hofmann is a graphic designer that I have been researching since early December. I picked him because his art spoke to me and I loved his use of black and white with little dashes of bright primary colors; especially red, as seen in his "Graphic Design Manuel". I researched his early life, his college experience, how he got into the arts, and his big impact on students everywhere. He was very influential to his students and in a book that he wrote, "Graphic Design Manuel", he talked about different ways to make posters appealing. For this project I first created 20 rough sketches in my sketch book so I could gather my ideas and be organized. Than I chose some of my favorites and tried to recreate them in Adobe Illustrator. I ended up with this as my final project where I incorporated some of his main colors, black, white, grey, and red. I am overall very happy with this poster and am excited to earn more about one of my now favorite designers.

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