Friday, January 29, 2016

Lina Rose

So far I have been in e9 for almost three quarters of my freshman year. I have taken part in all three focus points of e9: video production, graphic design, and animation. In my sophomore year I have to pick two of the three sections to focus in and my two picks that I  am considering are graphic design and video production.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ten Words About Me; ANIMATED

This is an animation made using Adobe Photoshop. I picked ten words that describe me and a background photo that described me and i animated it. This is different from the bouncing ball animation because for the ball i used frame animation and edited it frame by frame. And for this I used video animation because it is a little easier. Something challenging was just the shirt from frame by frame to video. I had gotten so used to animation done frame by frame and then having to learn video animation was sometimes hard, but in the end turned out to be simpler.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bouncing Ball on Name

This is like my previous post: the bouncing ball, but this one moves a distances and has emotions instead of just a circle bouncing up and down.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bouncing Ball

This is a bouncing ball I made using Adobe Photoshop. I used the technique 'Squash and Stretch'. In animation 'Squash and Stretch' is very popular. It over exaggerated the balls movements on its way down and back up.