Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Creative Color Wheel

Color wheels can be either very simple or very complex. It all depends on the artist creating it. But one thing that all color wheels have in common is color.  They have 3 primary colors; red, yellow and blue. This color wheel that I have creating is considered out of the ordinary because it doesn't look like your average wheel. You may hear some people say that some color is associated with emotion. They are right! Blue most people think of loyalty, or comfort but sometimes also sadness or depression. Red might associate with fire, or anger of war. The color wheel plays a huge role in your everyday life. 

Adobe Illustrator was used in the creation of this wheel.  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What Is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is the art of combining text and pictures in advertisements, magazines, or books. It is used to communicate a message to the consumer. A graphic designer has to speak for the people in their work. We use graphic design to cross the street, get married, pay bills, decide what to eat and much more. Graphic design artists who make covers of books have to make them very interesting. They use different fonts and colors to convey their message and to grab the consumers attention. The designers always say to do what you think is smart and interesting and then afterwards think of the surveys. The artists also have to think like to buyer. Without graphic design, our world would be a dull place to live.
This is the logo of the Kansas City Ballet. It has interesting typography. 
Below is a link to the Universal Arts of Graphic Design.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"They Loved Your GPA, Then They Saw Your Tweets"

GPA scores are not the only thing colleges look for when they search through applicants. They look through any and all of your social media posts because if you are not the person you say you are in your application then the college will not take you based on your twitter updates and Instagram photos. What surprised me was that 30% of the admissions officers said that they had discovered information online that had negatively affected an applicants prospects. And that some students try so hard not to get caught online with their photos that they have two Facebook accounts. I wonder why they post photos that they know colleges wouldn't like. After reading this article I hope some students will think about what they post before they post.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chase Scene


This project is called "Chase Scene". Our goal was to record a chase scene with the actors in our e-Comm class. We captured moving shots without moving the camera. First we planned what we were going to film. We made a storyboard and drew pictures about the different shots we will be using. Then we started to film, while following our storyboard. After we filmed all the shots we wanted we went into editing mode. We edited on Final Cut Pro. I learned a lot throughout this experience.  learned a great deal about time management. I learned everything about editing on Final Cut Pro. Next time I would get a lot more shots than necessary to make sure I have more than enough. What I would do the same would be that I would also listen to the ideas of others. Some experiences I would draw from this would be to never underestimate how much time we have to film. Overall the "Chase Scene" was a fun and challenging experience.